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Parks & Recreation 06.01.09 Minutes
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 1, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lauren McMullen (LM),
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS),
Absent: Billie Luker (BL)
Tardy: Mike Prisco (MP) arrived at 8:04 pm
Location: Town Hall, Room 5

7:28pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens: None

Acceptance of minutes from 05/18/09 meeting
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept the meeting minutes from May 18th, 2009 with the specified corrections.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.

New Business
Groomer /Finances (MT, MS)
Marty (MT) research the expenses on a new Groomer vs. a leased Groomer and has spoken with Wayne Hartaker As to whether the School would want to share expenses for one.  The School Dept would like to share the expense of a new Groomer and not put money into the one that needs to be repaired.  Marty explained to Wayne that a written understanding of agreement on use, maintenance and expenses for the Groomer would have to be signed between Parks and Recreation and the School Dept. in order for Parks & Recreation be willing to share equipment. Wayne agreed to this written understanding of agreement but will have to get approval before he signed anything.  
Marty informed the committee that a new Groomer would cost approximately just under $18,000.00.  Maureen (MS) informed the committee that P&R does not have that kind of free cash right now.  Marty would like to lease a new Groomer and is looking into the cost of doing so.

Community Center (SC)
Sergio (SC) has done some research on starting up the planning stages for a Community Center.  Joe Tatone (Architect) told Sergio that he would be willing to donate some of his time to draw up preliminary plans for a community center. There would be no initial cost to the committee. Discussion was had on what size Gymnasium would be wanted to support activities at such a Community center and what kind of activities would run there. The committee discussed dedicating a committee meeting in its entirety to discussion on a community center. All members and staff should brainstorm and bring their ideas to that dedicated meeting.
Members and staff would like to set up site visits at other Community center to attain ideas, preferably communities such as Tewksbury, North Andover and Lawrence.
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Gymboree Donation (LC)
Lynne (LC) informed the committee and staff that Laura Centofanti, a previous Committee member, called Lynne to let her know that Gymboree in No. Andover was going out of business and there was equipment that they would be willing to donate to P&R.  Lynne and Maria Brown went to the site last week and pick up 3 truck loads of indoor gym equipment in excellent condition.

Open House at RC/IRP (LC)
Lynne (LC) reminded everyone of the Recreation Center at Ipswich River Parks (RC/IRP) open house was Tuesday evening from 4:30-7:30pm at the facility.

(MP arrived at 8:04pm)

Lights at Middle School (RM)
Rita (RM) was approached by the president of NRYFL, Ernie Arena asking if they could get assistance from P&R with regards for lighting at the Middle School for football this Fall because the teams will be have to practice up there due to the Turf Field Project.  Rita informed Ernie that she would take his request to the P&R committee.  The committee discussed researching how much it would cost to install light, rent lights and other ideas.  Also Mike (MF) asked if NRYFL would be open to earlier times for practices to cut back on the expense of lighting.  The committee also has to take into consideration the noise from lighting units and surrounding neighbors.
Topic will be tabled until further research can be done.

Old Business
NRLL- Building checklist (SC/MT)
Sergio (SC) and Marty (MT) summarized for the committee members and the staff on the finding of the walk through site visits for the bathroom at the North Reading Little league field.  Sergio (SC) stated that Mark Sandborn of NRLL was not off on his calculation of finances when he said it would cost approximately $16,000 to complete the construction on the bathroom building alone not including the septic system. Sergio asked Mark how he felt about just spending enough monies to safely close up the building and not finish until a later date and Mark said that he would fight to have the project completed.  Not included in the costs is the completion of the upstairs of the building, staining or painting.  Mark has to go to his board members and discuss.
Sergio (SC) also commented that NRLL has received other funds from fundraisers since our last meeting and NRLL should have enough monies now to pay P&R what is owed for the user fees and have $16,000 for the Building project that is needed So NRLL having the availability of more funds effect P&R committee decision on how much NRLL should pay immediately to pay off their debt with P&R.
The majority of the P&R committee feels that NRLL needs to pay off their debt with P&R before they come to us and ask us for help with funds for completion on the building project including the septic.

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to approve NRLL to spend up to $16,915 on completing construction on the check list presented to Pars & Recreation Committee this evening, which was agreed upon by Marty Tilton, Sergio Coviello and Mark Sandborn on May 27, 2009; as long as NRLL pays Parks & Recreation the balance due in full to Parks & Recreation for the spring 2009 user fees; prior to NRLL commencing construction on the building.  
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  1(LM)         Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

Rita (RM) will contact Sib Masiello and notify him of the committee’s decision.

IRP Bathroom-bid update (SC, MS)
Maureen (MS) updated the committee on the bids received for the bathroom project at IRP.  She passed out the analysis sheet with all contractors and bid figures and the committee reviewed it.  P&R has approximately between $90k-$100k from LUC, $13,500 from the wine and Food 2009 and $60,000 capital expense from the
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Hillview Commission for this project. All bids came in well over that figure.  The committee was concerned because there was a huge difference from our cost analysis to the bids we received.  The committee will revisit quotes and research on pavilion and bathroom structure.  Mike (MP) asked what the process would be to revisit.  Maureen (MS) explained that the committee would have to reject the bid through a vote, rework specifications, research, revamp bids and put out to bid again.

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to reject bids for the IRP Bathroom Project submitted on May 27, 2009.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

Maureen (MS) will advise bidders of Committee rejection.
Turf Field –Update (RM)
Discussion was had regarding bills for the Turf Field project being received.  Donations have been made to the “Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation Inc.” by some sports leagues for the use toward the Turf Field Project.  There is a Turf Field meeting on June 2, 2009.  The will be a Tree Hearing at the Town Hall in Room 14 on June 10th, 2009 regarding the Turf Field Project.  Marty (MT) informed the committee that Wayne’s Drains inspected the drains for the project and everything went well.

Rita (RM) asked Sheila (SS) to type a letter to the Town Clerk, Barbara Stats asking her to formally swear in the members of the Turf Field Ad Hoc Committee.

Friend of NR P&R 501 (C) (3) (LM)
Lauren (LM) updated the committee on the status of the application for the new 501 (C) (3).  It will cost $750 for the application of Articles of Organization.  The application was sent once but has been returned to be corrected and was sent back in. Application for the IRS are ready to go in but cannot be submitted until received the Application for Articles of Organization returned and approved.
“Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation, Inc.” is active but is not considered at 501 (C)(3) until the application has been approved by the IRS.
Jackie Vardaro has agreed to become a board member of the “Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation”.
The members are as follows:       Lauren McMullen (Chair), Maria Brown (Vice Chair), Maureen Stevens (Treasurer), Sheila Sturdevant (Secretary), Sergio Coviello (Board Member), Mike Fitzpatrick (Board Member), Mike Prisco (Board Member), Rita Mullin (Board Member), Jackie Vardaro (Board Member)

Pumps (MT)
Marty (MT) updated the committee that the pumps for the irrigation are all now repaired and working.

Other Business
Town Meeting
(MS) Maureen reminded everyone that Town Meeting is Monday evening June 8, 2009.

Softball Homerun Fence
(MT) Marty informed everyone that NR Youth Softball got complete approval to move forward on the Home run fence for the Little School Field one.  Also P&R agreed to issue a $1000 credit for Tournament fees charged to softball which will be applied toward the cost of the Home Run Fence project.  It will be considered a Field Improvement Credit.

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:35 pm.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed